Friday, March 07, 2008


A lovely lady at the 'ville posted a picture of a blanket she had but no name to, in hopes that someone could give her the name of the pattern. Well we got a name of the possible designer, but for me that lead no where. She did however show a close up of the stitches, which lead to easily deciphering the pattern. whoo hoo. So me being drawn to this blanket. I picked up my hook and some baby yarn I had bought for a different project that didn't pan out, and started making stitches. Someone mentioned that it was a multiple of 12 + 7 more then enough for me. :D I'm very proud of myself for figuring out the pattern as well as not working from a pattern, since I am a pattern girl. Anyway my progress so far. I have no name for this blanket. Some input would be nice. leave me a comment with some cute names.

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