Thursday, June 05, 2008


I know it's late, but I get bored at night, so tonight I made waffles. i like to make them after the kids go to bed so they don't eat them as they come off the iron. I'm currently experimenting.. I keep trying for the eggo cinnamon toast ones but can't quite figure out the recipe oh well lots of waffles in the mean time. yum

Now playing: Meiko - Piano Song
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Mini update!!!

So I have been a bit MIA from my blog lately.. School is out so it leaves little time for joshing around on the net. dang it. lol Anyway, I have been busy doing nothing.. well going to movies with D. which has been great. hope to have some pics up soon. i have a few things that are almost done. :)
Now playing: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Face Down
via FoxyTunes