Saturday, September 08, 2007

Houston Directv Techs are CRAP!!!

Yesterday I had an appointment between the hours of 8-12 to fix my broken dish problem.. by now I have been without tv for over 2 weeks. but I am cool because hey I am getting it fixed today. so 12 pm rolls around getting a little pissed, then my phone rings, it is the tech saying he needs directions.. hmmm only problem is I don't know how to get him to my house.. Finally he shows up at 1 pm, cool I am happy because yay tv getting fixed... he goes outside, comes back in and says, my ladder is broken.. you need to reschedule because I can't get my ladder down. WAIT WHAT!!!!! then he says call the number to reschedule and leaves.. now I am not gonna argue with a man in my house when my dogs are locked up so fine he leaves.. I call the number back and talk to the operator AGAIN!!! i find out that the supervisor will be coming out between 6-8 last night.. ok cool, again i am ok because my tv will be back on. 8 pm rolls around, no show, no phone call. by now i am seething there is smoke coming out of my ears. So I call directv AGAIN and find out that the local office closed at 7.30 ( convinent) So they were going to put notes in the account and blah blah blah.. I can't talk anymore because literally i will go postal. So dave gets on the phone and calls. Well we got a lot of things refunded to us and they are supposed to be out here sometime today.. yeah i'm holding my breath for that one.

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