Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Free rice anyone??

well not for you silly. Something I had stumbled upon about a year or so ago, you build your vocab and for every word you get right you donate 20 grains of rice to feed the impoverished. also if you miss words you don't lose grains you just lose your level. So check it out. improve your vocab impress peeps at work and well do some good while you are chillin' at the computer wasting time. :D http://www.freerice.com/
to date ( well actually just since yesterday when i changed my settings lol) i have donated 4420 grains of rice.
don't forget to go up to options and change your settings so it can keep track of how much rice you have donated and what vocab level you are on.

Now playing: Katy Perry - I Kissed a Girl
via FoxyTunes

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