Friday, June 13, 2008

How does this work??

Ok last night go to bed at 1 am, wake up at 9 ( thanks lawn guys) start to feel Exhausted around 12 perk back up around 3pm now here it is 1.41am and i am wide awake. Ugghh wth man. So what do i do? work on my WIPs of course ha ha ha.... That and watch mindless tv. D is passed out in the room snoring up a storm so that leaves about zero chance for me to get to sleep in the bed. And to top it off the sinus pressure ( cold vs allergies still in testing phase lol) is killing me. I have had terrible afternoons where my head is just killing me. And right now i can't smell things unless I am up close and personal. D comes in the house and says what is that smell and i think great what happened. So i tell him i can't smell so I have no idea what you are talking about. at least it wasn't freaking gas or something. *sigh*.

Anyway... Side note I updated my ravelry page with my new WIP's and other finished projects. yay!!! i know uber geeky of me. I really need to update my myspace, but i am too lazy to do that... besides i am sure i will encounter some kind of issue doing so. I can't get away from the dang errors over there. alright i guess i wasted enough time already. I'll post some pics later today.

Now playing: The Kin - Nowhere To Now Here
via FoxyTunes

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