Sunday, April 13, 2008

Guitar Hero III

Wow, umm officially addicted to this game. And I am kicking ass at it too. lol
I spent all day today playing. Dh was really sweet and bought it for me yesterday as a late birthday present. I felt bad because he was using his birthday gift of a best buy card to buy it for me. But he also got a game -Fight Night Round 3 for PS2 since his PSP took a crap -
So he let me play ALL day. it was fantastic, i'm soo addicted to this game and really good at it so far. although after watching the guitar hero championships on youtube I realized i'm not all that good. lol.
I also have been hard at work on a few other projects. i decided to use my cone of cotton for good and am making pot holders. yay, nothing to fancy just the double thick ones that work up fast and easy. As soon as i get some done I will post some pics. Until then have a great rest of the weekend whatever is left of it :D

Now playing: Poison - Talk Dirty to Me
via FoxyTunes

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