Friday, April 18, 2008


Arrrgg they have a cap on uploads. *sigh* that blows that means I can't do my two mosaics I was going to because there are too many pics in my album. I know I know I could always upgrade, but i'm cheap that is why all my web stuff is usually the free stuff. lol
So I am sitting here stewing about my flickr access about to be cut off. allow me a moment or two.................................
Ok moment over.
At any rate, i usually don't have hate or contempt for flickr so this is just a momentary lapse.

I am almost done with a baby dress and blanket for a friend. She will be having a little girl so the dress will be a punk rock style, hot pink with some black stars. rock on little girl.

Now playing: Bitter:Sweet - The Mating Game
via FoxyTunes

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