Friday, March 28, 2008

Tired and unmotivated

grrr i have stuff to finish, but have no desire to do anything. arg. quick someone motivate me!!!

Ok on to better and brighter things.. I have found myself drawn to watching Crossing Jordan. For some reason it is better on re-runs then when it came out on tv live. lol. I also seem unable to keep a train of thought for very long, I have misplaced my camera and it sucks because I want to take some pics. Sadly it's a small camera which makes losing it a bigger possibility then if i had my dslr. hint hint, dang hubby doesn't read my blog. oh well it was worth a shot.

I feel lost today with no real reason. My blog doesn't seem to have a reason at this point. ha ha.. when does it ever.

Some crazy stuff has happened lately, between my mom being sick and having surgery, my grandma having to move in with my brother, and just life in general... I feel like a lot of my thoughts and writing are disjointed, not able to connect with the previous sentence. Usually when this happens I wind up taking a break from writing, however the last time I did that I didn't write for about 18 months give or take. I don't want that to happen again. I like writing too much for that to happen. I hope I can snap out of it soon.

Now playing: Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus & Mark Keali'i Ho'omalu - He Mele No Lilo
via FoxyTunes

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