Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Rough few weeks

So the past few weeks have been pretty rough lots of personal stuff happening, lots of things I haven't blogged about here. I try to keep this blog light hearted and fun. In a nutshell, my mom was diagnosed with thyroid cancer a few weeks ago, she had surgery, got an infection, but luckily is now doing much better. But I haven't been myself because of all of it.

Lately I am not myself, not wanting to finish projects much less start ones that I need to, it's not cool. I'm trying to get back to myself and hopefully that will start happening soon.

I am still trucking along on my BFF's scarf, which is still just kinda half way done. I need to get off my arse and get it done, winter is over for her and I feel like crap for not finishing it sooner. *sigh*

Right now it's nice outside, weather is perfect. Perfect amount of sun, right amount of breeze, not too hot, not too cold. Perfect. I wish it would stay this way, but I know it won't :(

maybe i'll post pics later of my WIP's and how pretty it looks outside. :D
till later today.

Now playing: Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus & Mark Keali'i Ho'omalu - Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
via FoxyTunes

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